Imagine: The End of Healthcare Confusion
This post originally appeared on Health Shift, Dr. Alice Burron’s Substack.
I have an idea.
What if there were a way to manage aches, pains, weird symptoms, and other health conditions in such a way that we can make ourselves heal and get better?
But Alice, that already exists, you say. We have doctors, supplements, and lots of options out there to help us.
In return, I ask, are the doctors helping you heal, or are they treating you? And are the supplements and programs you are using making you healthier over the long term?
The more I know about people, the more I realize that most of them have little idea about what to do when their bodies get off track. Most folks just go to the doctor and call it good, or don’t go at all. Results vary, but in general, they either eventually heal on their own without intervention (best case scenario) or they begin taking medications to address the symptoms.
And I’ve discovered over the years that people are vulnerable to trying diets and crazy health approaches that claim to make a positive difference in their health, and they don’t work. Period. Yet Americans are spending billions of dollars a year on programs and supplements that promise health-improving results. But I’m sorry to say, I don’t see people getting healthier because of them. I look around me and most people are sick, or they will be soon if they don’t make some changes to their lifestyle.
To be fair to those selling programs and health ware (anything touted to help our health), they may actually mean well. They even may have some promising results from their offering. But let me be the first to say that they are only scratching the surface of health care. It takes years to learn how to take care of one’s health. And although these approaches may have a place in our overall health care, they do not define it.
So, I’m ready to take on the confusion of health care and make it understandable so that you and everyone who owns a body can take charge of their own health using this knowledge, instead of acting on desperation or hope.
I’m excited for the days ahead when my upcoming book the Health Navigator Guide (still working on the title!) will be available.
I’m writing, researching, interviewing, website designing, and everything else in between to get to the bottom of the health care confusion. If you have a body, you’ll want to bookmark this website, and stay tuned. Information will be coming that will get you to think differently about how you manage your health. You will learn what options are best for you and when. You will become an expert at managing your health!
As this huge undertaking gets underway, know that I am here for you even now. If you have a health issue to navigate, set up some time to coach with me, and let’s get you started on your healing journey. There’s no better time to start getting healthier, and I genuinely can’t wait to start working with you.