Your Health Decision Making Style is Analytical!

When your health takes a tailspin, you untangle the confusion and complications to devise a timely, logical approach. Your most valuable asset is your logic.

Being Analytical

You’re probably the kind of person who gets input from anywhere and everywhere if it might possibly be relevant. Yet, you'll throw out the immaterial information as quickly as junk mail as you say, "Ain't nobody got time for that."

While others marvel at your ability to search and sort information, they also scratch their heads and think you're succumbing to "analysis of paralysis." They wish you would just make up your mind and stop stewing about it.

But...You are seldom wrong with your decision.

However, when you are, you're the last to admit it.

You are often the go-to when someone needs help making a decision because you're dependable and informed.

You make a great leader in areas where you have time to research options before making decisions but you might not do so well when there isn't much information available.

Here are a few things you can do to amplify your analytical genius and temper it with complementary decision styles.

  • Give your emotions some time to catch up with your mind by taking a few minutes to ask yourself what your emotional self thinks of the situation.

  • Set limits on the amount of time you get to make a decision to avoid analysis of paralysis.

  • Write down the most relevant and promising information and options and rank them, starting with the most promising choice. Allow yourself to only choose from the top 3-5 options.

  • Define where your cut-off is when it comes to a decision that is good enough.

  • Lean on others with one of the other three decision-making styles to ensure you make a well-rounded choice.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein

So, what do I do next?

Now that you have a better understanding of your own primary health decision-making style keep in mind that we all embody the other styles to some extent. It can be extraordinarily helpful to understand all the decision-making styles so that we can be aware of the downsides of each and use the best aspects of each style.

With a better understanding of the way we make our health decisions, we can improve our health, one decision at a time, by being more mindful of our tendencies.

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