Your Health Decision Making Style is Directive!

Even when things get foggy, you can find the way because you make solid, quick decisions that usually have great results.

Being Directive

You may not always get more options on the table before deciding, but you make your decisions based on solid guidance.

People may think you rush your decisions, but you are trying to maximize your time and effort. Too much research takes up those valuable resources.

You are results-driven with a mix of intuitive within you. You seldom are wrong with your decision.

However, you may have missed some other potentially viable options that could have saved you some pain, effort, and maybe even time.

Here are a few things to consider to improve your decision-making prowess:

  • Consider two or three other viable options for at least a day. See if you still feel the same way.

  • Ask someone you trust if you're rushing the decision.

  • Look at the big picture regarding what you have to gain by rushing. Is it really that important to rush? What would happen if you took some time to explore the options more?

  • Take 30 minutes to look at the facts to make sure what you're being told is an objective truth, or a subjective opinion.

  • Think for a minute about you feel about the approach you're considering. Allow your feelings to have some input, too.

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
— Tony Robbins

So, what do I do next?

Now that you have a better understanding of your own primary health decision-making style keep in mind that we all embody the other styles to some extent. It can be extraordinarily helpful to understand all the decision-making styles so that we can be aware of the downsides of each and use the best aspects of each style.

With a better understanding of the way we make our health decisions, we can improve our health, one decision at a time, by being more mindful of our tendencies.

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