Accelerate Your Healing.
Level-Up Your Health.
Welcome to The Health Navigator!
Your journey to better health starts here.
We were just thinking about you! We’re glad you’re here. Now you’re not alone on your healing journey.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by health challenges? We understand—it's tough. Sometimes, we all need someone to lead the way, to provide that extra push forward. Think of health like a battery; occasionally, it runs low and needs a jumpstart. That's where we come in. We're your guides and your source of energy, ready to assist and lead you toward the next best steps.
We believe in putting you in the driver's seat of your health journey. Starting with the basics of health, we then navigate you through obstacles and challenges. While you're in control, we guide your next steps, opening doors to healing along the way. With us by your side, you're empowered to take charge and move forward confidently. We accelerate you through the obstacles to become healthy and whole again.
We’ll walk you through The HEALTHIER Journey to fast-track your healing.
You've been grappling with your health concern, putting in your best effort thus far. Now, it's time to broaden your horizons and approach things more strategically. That's where we step in. Introducing "The HEALTHIER Journey: A Comprehensive Guide for Navigating Any Health Issue." This compact yet powerful eBook is your roadmap, available to you right now. Let us guide you toward clarity and effective solutions.
Who are we? We are experts in the field of health improvement. We are physiologists. We are health educators.
We have a trained team of Health Navigator Coaches who promote healing by helping people connect the right interventions with their desired health goal or outcome. Our goal is to empower people to master their health destiny.
You can learn more about us here. We assist people in moving toward healing through articles, books, health awareness tools, practical guides, presentations, consulting, and Health Navigator Coaching. (And we LOVE every minute of it!)
You've been grappling with your health concern, putting in your best effort thus far, but now, it's time to broaden your horizons and include new, less common approaches. We have three impactful options to overcome this health challenge and are here to help.
Health Navigator Coaching: Our personal approach is tailored to your needs. Our coaches help design a path for faster healing in just one or two hours. Whether it's a one-time decision or a puzzling health concern, we're here to guide you. For instance, Ellen's son faced a vision anomaly without the eye specialists' clear direction. They developed a customized plan through our coaching and HEROES preference filter, significantly improving in just a few weeks.
Sign up for a free 20-minute consultation to see if this is the best fit for you by sending us a quick message! (Everything is confidential, of course.)
90-Day Healing Journey: Embark on a comprehensive healing journey with us. Beginning with a two-hour consultation, our coaches work with you over several weeks to craft a plan and track progress. Rebecca, experiencing joint pain and fatigue, saw a remarkable 75% improvement in her symptoms within 90 days, equipped with the knowledge and tools to continue her journey independently.
Sign up for a free 20-minute consultation to see if this is the best fit for you by sending us a quick message! (Everything is confidential, of course.)
The HEALTHIER Journey eBook: Our comprehensive eBook for independent spirits seeking guidance is your roadmap to navigate any health issue. Dive into this powerful resource and start piecing together clarity and effective solutions on your terms. Keep reading for more information about the eBook.
A Comprehensive Guide for Navigating Any Health Issue
“This (guide) showed me how to take control of my health and how I get to navigate it to better my life as a whole. I have learned so much more than I thought I could.” Kerri
“(I learned) that I am quick to take advice from a doctor instead of looking at other options. I am learning to be self-aware and that there are many other possibilities that I can use to heal myself!” Mag
“I am now able to look inside myself and outside boxes for healing options, when prior I was jumping into decisions without assessing if it was helping me.” Stephanie
“I was surprised to find myself following other’s suggestions when what I really needed was to consider my needs and feelings. I wish everyone could have this tool - they would never see health the same way again!” Rachel
Whether you're contending with complex conditions like fibromyalgia, persistent joint discomfort, unexplained fatigue, asthma, or chronic headaches, you might be seeking more effective solutions. The good news is that healing is possible, and we're here to provide you with a comprehensive strategy to guide you toward wellness.
The HEALTHIER Journey, A Comprehensive Guide for Navigating Any Health Issue
This comprehensive e-book will…
Guide you through the nine critical HEALTHIER steps to kickstart and accelerate the healing process
Empower you to select interventions tailored to strategically target your health issue
Give you a multi-pronged approach that includes lifestyle, complementary, and medical interventions
Help you discover your optimal healing zone where accelerated healing happens
Be your guide again and again for any health issue you face
What do you think? Are you ready to jumpstart and then fast-forward healing? It’s possible, right here and now. Let’s go!
Let’s get to know each other.
The Health Navigator Approach is a whole-person approach to health, lifestyle, and wellness. It encompasses our one-and-only Health Intelligence Assessment for individuals and organizations, self-discovery quizzes, an ever-expanding library of tools and resources (including our HEALTHIER Journey model), our team of Health Navigator Coaches, and our consultants. Everything we do helps people make better health decisions through self-discovery.
Note: Contrast this approach with a typical wellness approach, individually or through a corporate wellness program. Typically the standard practice uses an unsystematic approach using partial methods that lack cohesiveness and produce limited results (like when we try sporadic diets or offer random health tips and tricks in corporate wellness newsletters). Instead, we focus on the individual and help them see themselves in a new way (through self-discovery) so that they can expand their opportunities to be healthy and heal.
We believe self-awareness of health status, perspective, thinking tendencies, and health options opens doors to new opportunities to heal and manage health. That’s what we do - we increase people’s potential to be healthy and heal through self-awareness expansion.
Self-discovery, as you can tell, is the core of the Health Navigator Approach. The more you know about yourself, the more potential you have to heal and be healthy. We help people engage in self-discovery through many methods, such as assessments, quizzes, self-reflection exercises and assessments, presentations, training, and more. The result is a person who feels empowered to take control of their health and who makes better health decisions.
Where did the Health Intelligence Assessment come from? Our behavior change experts created the online Health Intelligence Assessment to help individuals discover areas where they can increase their health and healing potential.
What is Health Intelligence? Health Intelligence is the learned capacity to be aware of your health status and what impacts your health at any given moment.
Why should I know my Health Intelligence Score? Health Intelligence reduces anxiety, improves mental health, enhances self-esteem and confidence, builds healthy relationships, increases adaptability and motivation, and improves physical health. Those who take the assessment receive a comprehensive report that looks at the major factors influencing health. They can then take that information and improve the way they manage their health.
Want to take the assessment? We’ll be offering it to you soon. We’re about to launch this new tool in the next week or two!
Our Health Intelligence Assessment will be here soo. But in the meanwhile we have many free resources available to you.
Go to our Free Resources Library, and find more free tools on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Want to learn more about your health right now? Learn something new about yourself right now, for free! Take the Health Decision-Maker Quiz. Be sure to write down what you learn and how it can help you the next time you make a health decision (which literally is every day).
Our blog is also a great place to get thorough, well-sourced information on various topics from the experts in The Health Navigator Group. Us it to inspire and encourage you to think about your health in a whole new way.
We love to partner with companies and organizations to build custom programs to offer employees. If you are an organization focused on health, let’s discuss how our approach can work with your business.
If you are an organization that would like to unlock unparalleled levels of employee engagement, performance, and organizational success through the transformative power of self-awareness, contact us to learn more.
The Health Navigator Group is a group of like-minded experts and professionals who have researched and constructed a new approach to health - one that is people-focused and not problem-focused - to help people make better health decisions. The Health Navigator exists to help people be healthier faster, one health decision at a time.
Learn more about us here.
Have a heart to help others heal faster? Become a Certified Health Navigator Coach.
Take the Health Intelligence Assessment Now to Find Your Start Point
This 2-minute assessment quantifies health intelligence using this formula: Desire Factor + External Factor + Reality Factor + You Factor + Feelings Factor + Internal Factor = Health Intelligence Score
You’ll receive a personalized plan for catapulting your health potential in ways you would have never thought about.
You will get instant access to your results, and from there, you can harness your healing potential, and we’ll tell you how.
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Join our newsletter and discover faster ways to heal and take charge of your health.